Sunday, November 3, 2013



Deepavali Slokas – Lighting The Lamp Of Knowledge

Deepavali is a festival of lights, not only literally but also for all the Jeevatmas who are encompassed by the darkness of this samsara. It is important that the light in the form of our Azhwars and Poorvacharyas’ works should help us in gaining the essential knowledge about Tattva-Hitha-PurushArthamFor significance of Deepavali, please visit Significance of Deepavali
Let us recite the following Pasurams and Stotras by Swami Desikan which will bring the light of Gyanam, Bhakti and Vairagyam in our lives….
Desika Deepavali_1 Desika Deepavali_2Desika Deepavali_3
Thoopul_Swami Desikan_75SWAMI DESIKAN THOOPUL 2013-DAY 5-09
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