Sreemathey Ramanujaya Namaha
After the article Tremendous - 3, The very
next Number 4, has also much connectivity with our
sampradhyaam, let us a see a few of them
1) Very Firstly, the Yugas are 4 in number namely
Krita yugam with 1,728,000 years
Treta yugam
with 1,296,000 years.
Dvapara yugam with 864,000 years.
Kali yugam
with 432,000 years.
These four yugas follow a time line ratio of (4:3:2:1)
2)It is understood the Lord appears in different colors in different yugas
In Tretha yuga, he assumed the white (swetha) colour
In Krithya yugam he took Pravesa (Pavazha) colour
In Dwapara Yuga he assumed the Green (Margatha) colour
In kali yuga, he took the form of dark blue colour
which is explained by Thirumaishai alwar with pasuram" Paalin neermai sempon neermai, paseeyin pasumpuram..............."
The adiseshan or the ananthan also has taken in diff avatars in different yugas
Ananthah Prathamam Roopam, Threthaya Lakshmanascha Tathah |
Dwapare Balabadrascha, Kalou Kaschit Bhavishyathi ||
The meaning of the Sloka is
In Kritha Yuga (First) it is Adhi Seshan (The Snake bed of Lord)
In Thretha Yuga it was Lakshmana (Brother of Lord Sri Rama)
In Dwapara Yuga it is Balarama (Brother of Sri Krishna) and
In Kali Yuga it is Ramanuja the Adhi Seshan Avathara in the form of human.
3)Vedas are also 4 in number namely, These 4 fold vedas establish the supremacy of Maha Vishnu
1) Rig Veda
2)Yajur Veda
3)Sama veda
4)Adharva Veda
4))Naalayeera Divya prabandhan/aruli cheyal (4000 verses) is divided into 4 parts
1)Mudhal aayiram
2)Periya thirumozhi
5)Nammalwar has blessed us with 4 prabandhams equivalent to 4 vedas
1)THIRU-VIRUTTAM -- being the essence of Rig Veda
2)THIRU-ASIRIYAM -- being the essence of Yajur Veda
3)PERIYA THIRUVANDADI - being the essence of Atharvana Veda
4)THIRUVAIMOZHI -- which constitute the essence of Sama Veda
6)Although every Hindu must follow general moral codes, each has
individual duties according to his or her own nature. These are called sva-dharma, literally "own duties." They are regulated by the system of 4 varnas (social classes)
The four varnas are
7)In ancient India, a person’s activities were harmoniously regulated
according to his or her stage of life. Each stage had its own dharma, or
duties, to be undertaken. These stages, called Ashramas, were four in
and were
to be strictly followed. The ashrama system was fundamental to
maintaining discipline, peace, and harmony in the family
8)The directions are also 4 in number
Thirumaalai Thondaradipodi alwar beautifully describes, the sleeping
posture of Ranganatha, with refrence to directions as follows "Kuda
dhisai, mudiyai vaithu...........................Ullagatheerey"Meaning
people of the world, see the beauty of the lord, who is dark in colour,
he keeping his head in the direction of west, and keeps his legs, to
the east and to the north, he shows his back beauty and facing Sri lanka
towards south, he is lying down.
9)Purusharthas are also 4 in number, they are
10)There are four kinds of Prapathti are referred to
is followed by those with visesha Jnanam(special knowledge)Such mahathmas directly perform
Prapatthi at the sacred
feet of the Lord .
2)Ukthi Nishtai: Here, the
Mumukshu ( One who desires
Moksham ) utters the Prapatthi words spoken by the acharyan.
3) AchArya Nishtai: The Mumukshu stays inside the
performed by the AchAryan .
4) BhAgavatha Nishtai: The
Mumkshu stays inside the prapatthi
performed by a BhAgavathan , who is not an
11) 4 traditional methods of persuasion are sama,. dhana, bedha, dhandam.
Sama, dana, bheda and danda were the
political methodologies prescribed by the scriptures. All the four were to be
contemplated. The first was sama: political conciliation, humane;
dana: a political sacrifice; bheda: a threat that
something unwanted may happen if proper steps are not taken to bring about a
conciliation; and danda: if everything fails, there is a fight.
12)The 82nd sloka of Vishnu Sahasranamam states
"Chaturmurthi chaturbahu chaturvyuha chaturgathihi
Chatur atma, chatur bhava chatur veda-vit eka pat"
He of 4 forms Om Chatur murthaye Namaha
Chatur-bahuh - The 4 armed one
Chatur Vyuha -
a) He who is the form of 4 emanations (Vyuha forms)
b)He who had 4 manifestations in his vibhava form (krishna, balarama, pradyumna and aniruddha)
c)He who manifests himself as Purusha, chandah purusha, veda prurusha, & maha purusha
d)He who is in the form of 4 divisons of speech (3 vedas and ordinary speech)
e)He who has 4 kinds of greatness
Chatur gatih
a)He who is in the form of 4 purusharthas
b)He whoprovides 4 goals, Indra, Bramha, Kaivalya and moksha c)he who is the goal of 4 varnas & ashramas
d)He who is the refuge for the 4 kinds of bhaktas
jiinasu, arharthi, and jnanai)
Chatur athma -
a)He who has 4 forms in his vyuha incarnation
b)Hewho has 4 fold manifestations in his functions of creation, preservation and destruction
c)One who is behind the functions of manas, chitta, buddhi and ahankara
d)He who created the fit being the 4 faced bramha9Catura= Kusala fit
e)He who himself manifest in 4 kids of atmas, that is jiva, antaratma, parmatma and jnanatma
a)He who gives expression to the 4 vyuha forms through 4 kinds of actions
b) He who created 4 kinds of species
Chatur veda vit -
a)He who is known by those who are learned in 4 vedas
b)He who is the knower of 4 vedas
c)He who makes it possible to know 4 vedas
eka -pat-
a)One who exhibits, a part amount of greatness when he takes avathara among
human beings
b)One who manifests as part of this
Universe, which is only a part of him
c)One who is the look out as our sole-protector.
Thus emperumaan is explained beautifully, with the number 4.
13)The Lord's creation is also 4 types
1)Sura (devas)
2)Nara (Humans)
3)Thriyak (animals which walk horizontally with 4 legs)
4)Sthavaram (Plants)
14)"Nachet Ramanujet desha, Cathurat Chathurakshari
Kamavasthan Prapadhyanthe Janthavo Hantha Madrusha:"
above solka by our Poorvacharyas, brings out how Swami"s Ramanuja's
birth leads us to vaikuntam, and he is called "Vainkunta Mani Mandapa
Marga Dhayee" (one who shows way to Sri Vainkuntum) in Dhaati Panchakam
Meaning of the above solka,
Swami Ramanuja had not been born, (if this 4 lettered word RA MA NU JA
had not been born, we would not have got that 4 lettered word NA RA YA
NA), then what is the status of us in this world? The answer is simple
we will all be mere animals.
Thus the 4 lettered word RA MA NU JA showed
us the 4 lettered word NA RA YA NA,
us take refugee in the lotus feet of Swamy Ramanuja, whose thiruvadi
would lead us to the eternal Sri Vaikuntam. Even though the Lord took
avatars as Rama & Krishna, He was not able to rectify, the humans,
only after Swamy Ramanuja,appeared, preached & explained the unparalleled supermacy of Sriman Narayana, the wholeworld became his devotees, Thus only the acharya, can bring us enlightenment & correct us through his grace, to make us understand the paravthavam.
This is beautifully explained by Amudhanar in his Ramanuja Nootriandhadhi as
maNmisai yOnikaL thORum piRanthu engaL maathavanE
kaNNuRa niRkilum kaaNakil laa,ula kOr_kaLellaam
aNNal iraamaa Nnuchanvanthu thOnRiya appozuthE
nNaNNaru NYaanam thalaikkoNdu, naaraNaR kaayinarE.
Adiyen Ramanuja Dasan
Geetha Vasudevan
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Tremendous - 3 (Concluding Part)
Posted by: "Mrs Geetha Vasudevan" vasugee191193
Tue Dec 7, 2010 2:10 am (PST)
Sreemathey Ramanujaya Namaha
Bhagavatha Bandhus,
The foll is the concluding part of the article Tremendous -3
13)Sri Aalvandhar had 3 unfulfilled
desires, when he left for paramapadham, represented by his 3 folded
fingers & wanted swamy Ramanuja to fulfill the same, they were
1)to write commentary for bramha sutra by veda vyasa according to the Bodhayana Vritthi from the angle of Visishtadvaitha
2)To propogate Sri Nammalwar's prabhandham as ALavandhAr had great
desire for Sri Nammalwar
3)To perpetuate the memory of Veda Vyasa & Parsara
14)We all know puranas are 18 in number, but they are classified under 3 sections according to their qualities
1)Sattvika Puranas -
Vishnu puranam, Bhagavatha puranam, Naarada Puranam,
Paadma Puranam,varaaha Puranam and the Garuda Puranam.
2)Rajas Puranas
Vaamana, Brahma, Markandeya, Bhavishya, Brahmanda and Brahmavaivartha Puranas.
3)Tamas Puranas
Matsya, Koorma, Agni, Linga, Siva, Skandha Puranas.
15)Usually a mankind tend to possess 3 egos which comes to him
1)by his birth being in a rich or pious family
2)by his education and qualifications
3) by his fortunes, riches or wealth
All the above 3 egos, where shed by a great mahan Koorthalwan, which is beautifully
described by Amudhanar in his "Ramanuja Nootriandadhi" as
"Vanjama kurumbam kuzzhiyyai kadakkum nam koorthlwan charan
koodiya pin"
16)Again similar to the above, we
being have 3 debts, they are
1) Debts to Devas (Devar Kadan) - which can be repaid by performing yagas and yagnas
2)Debts to Pitru (Pitru Kadan) which can be repaid by continuation of the race
3)Debts to Rishi (Rishi Kadan) which can be repaid by learning vedas
17)Again the sin accumulated by us over the no of births by us is also
3 types
18)Karmas are also of 3 types they are
1) Nithya karman (which is shastra bound and which is to be done daily ex Sadhya Vandhanam)
2)Naimithika Karma (which is not shastra bound, not necessarily a duty ex taking bath after eclipse)
3)Kamya Karmas (which is done with a desire to achieve, ex begetting children.
19) The Bhagavath Geetha 18 chapters is divided into 3 sections, each containing
six chapters called shatkam
20)Sandhya Vandhanam is to be performed by men thrice daily
1)One during sun rise (when day proceeds from night)
2)One during midday (which is the transition from ascending sun to descending sun)
3)One during sunset (when night takes over from day)
21)The fire is also classified under 3 classes they constitute Tretagni
22)Thirumangai Alwar in "thiruveezhu Kuttrikkai" describes emperumaan as
"Sundara naal thool, munneer vanna" here munneer means 3 types waters, that is
river water, spring water and rain water, all the water ultimately go and reach
the kadal or ocean emperumaan is in the same complexion just like the ocean water.
23)The Yagnopaveetham is a set made of 3 threads, for bramhachari it is 1 set, for grushta
it is 2 sets and for
sanyasai it is again 1 set, similarly the thirumangnalyam is tied with
3 knots during marriage ceremonies.
24) The sloka of Vishnu Sashranamam says Trilokathma, Trilokkesha keshava kesi ha hari:
Here Trilokatma meaning -
1)One who moves about in the 3 worlds
2)One who makes the 3 worlds to move about
3)one who is the athma for everything in the 3 worlds
Trilokesha means
One who is the ruler and lord of the 3 worlds. Thus the lord is
the Protector of all the 3 world.
25)Last but not the least, of all the works we were blessed by Swqamy Ramanuja, the
most important is Gadya trayam (3 Gadyams), with which Swamy Ramanuja performed
Sharnagathi, on a Panguni Utthiram Day, first pleads Piratti to recommend to the Lord
The three prose pieces (Gadyas) are expressions of the inner experiences of the
great Acharya and are to be ranked with the mystic poetry of our Azhvars.
The gadyas are
1)Sharangathi Gadyam
2)Sri Ranga Gadyam
3)Sri Vaikunta Gadyam
Thus goes the importance of the Number 3, Let us all take refugee in the Lotus Feet
of Swamy Ramanuja, who is the Jagat acharyan, and who leads us to the eternal
Sri Vaikuntam as explained in Dhaati panchakam as "Vishnu Loka Mani Mandapa
Emperumaanar thiruvadegale Sharanam
Adiyen Ramanuja Dasan
Geetha Vasudevan
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Tremendous - 3 (Concluding Part)
Posted by: "Mrs Geetha Vasudevan" vasugee191193
Tue Dec 7, 2010 2:10 am (PST)
Sreemathey Ramanujaya Namaha
Bhagavatha Bandhus,
The foll is the concluding part of the article Tremendous -3
13)Sri Aalvandhar had 3 unfulfilled
desires, when he left for paramapadham, represented by his 3 folded
fingers & wanted swamy Ramanuja to fulfill the same, they were
1)to write commentary for bramha sutra by veda vyasa according to the Bodhayana Vritthi from the angle of Visishtadvaitha
2)To propogate Sri Nammalwar's prabhandham as ALavandhAr had great
desire for Sri Nammalwar
3)To perpetuate the memory of Veda Vyasa & Parsara
14)We all know puranas are 18 in number, but they are classified under 3 sections according to their qualities
1)Sattvika Puranas -
Vishnu puranam, Bhagavatha puranam, Naarada Puranam,
Paadma Puranam,varaaha Puranam and the Garuda Puranam.
2)Rajas Puranas
Vaamana, Brahma, Markandeya, Bhavishya, Brahmanda and Brahmavaivartha Puranas.
3)Tamas Puranas
Matsya, Koorma, Agni, Linga, Siva, Skandha Puranas.
15)Usually a mankind tend to possess 3 egos which comes to him
1)by his birth being in a rich or pious family
2)by his education and qualifications
3) by his fortunes, riches or wealth
All the above 3 egos, where shed by a great mahan Koorthalwan, which is beautifully
described by Amudhanar in his "Ramanuja Nootriandadhi" as
"Vanjama kurumbam kuzzhiyyai kadakkum nam koorthlwan charan
koodiya pin"
16)Again similar to the above, we
being have 3 debts, they are
1) Debts to Devas (Devar Kadan) - which can be repaid by performing yagas and yagnas
2)Debts to Pitru (Pitru Kadan) which can be repaid by continuation of the race
3)Debts to Rishi (Rishi Kadan) which can be repaid by learning vedas
17)Again the sin accumulated by us over the no of births by us is also
3 types
18)Karmas are also of 3 types they are
1) Nithya karman (which is shastra bound and which is to be done daily ex Sadhya Vandhanam)
2)Naimithika Karma (which is not shastra bound, not necessarily a duty ex taking bath after eclipse)
3)Kamya Karmas (which is done with a desire to achieve, ex begetting children.
19) The Bhagavath Geetha 18 chapters is divided into 3 sections, each containing
six chapters called shatkam
20)Sandhya Vandhanam is to be performed by men thrice daily
1)One during sun rise (when day proceeds from night)
2)One during midday (which is the transition from ascending sun to descending sun)
3)One during sunset (when night takes over from day)
21)The fire is also classified under 3 classes they constitute Tretagni
22)Thirumangai Alwar in "thiruveezhu Kuttrikkai" describes emperumaan as
"Sundara naal thool, munneer vanna" here munneer means 3 types waters, that is
river water, spring water and rain water, all the water ultimately go and reach
the kadal or ocean emperumaan is in the same complexion just like the ocean water.
23)The Yagnopaveetham is a set made of 3 threads, for bramhachari it is 1 set, for grushta
it is 2 sets and for
sanyasai it is again 1 set, similarly the thirumangnalyam is tied with
3 knots during marriage ceremonies.
24) The sloka of Vishnu Sashranamam says Trilokathma, Trilokkesha keshava kesi ha hari:
Here Trilokatma meaning -
1)One who moves about in the 3 worlds
2)One who makes the 3 worlds to move about
3)one who is the athma for everything in the 3 worlds
Trilokesha means
One who is the ruler and lord of the 3 worlds. Thus the lord is
the Protector of all the 3 world.
25)Last but not the least, of all the works we were blessed by Swqamy Ramanuja, the
most important is Gadya trayam (3 Gadyams), with which Swamy Ramanuja performed
Sharnagathi, on a Panguni Utthiram Day, first pleads Piratti to recommend to the Lord
The three prose pieces (Gadyas) are expressions of the inner experiences of the
great Acharya and are to be ranked with the mystic poetry of our Azhvars.
The gadyas are
1)Sharangathi Gadyam
2)Sri Ranga Gadyam
3)Sri Vaikunta Gadyam
Thus goes the importance of the Number 3, Let us all take refugee in the Lotus Feet
of Swamy Ramanuja, who is the Jagat acharyan, and who leads us to the eternal
Sri Vaikuntam as explained in Dhaati panchakam as "Vishnu Loka Mani Mandapa
Emperumaanar thiruvadegale Sharanam
Adiyen Ramanuja Dasan
Geetha Vasudevan
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